Ethics Plan

Table of Contents

1. Background
2. Practices and Procedures


This Ethics Plan is prepared in accordance with O.Reg. 91/11 under the Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009. O.Reg. 91/11 prescribes that the contents of the Ethics Plan required by section 6(1) of the Act contain the following:
1. A description of the practices and procedures for ensuring that members [1] are familiar with the requirements of Part 1V (Ethical Conduct) and Part V (Political Activity) of the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006. The practices and procedures must include an annual notice for members containing information about the requirements of Parts IV and V of that Act.
2. A description of the practices and procedures for ensuring that members are familiar with the code of conduct that forms part of the member accountability framework for the adjudicative tribunal. The practices and procedures must include an annual notice for members containing information about the code of conduct.

Practices and Procedures

A. Part 1V (Ethical Conduct) and Part V (Political Activity) of the Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 (PSOA)

The Board will ensure that members are familiar with the requirements of the PSOA by:
1. Upon appointment, providing each member with a membership binder which includes,

A. a copy of the relevant provisions of the PSOA and its regulations, O.Reg. 381/07
B. Conflict of Interest Commissioner guideline documents pertaining to ethical conduct, including conflict of interest rules and political activity rights and restrictions, and
C. the website link for the Conflict of Interest Commissioner.

2. Having the Chair of the Board review with each new appointee their obligations under the PSOA with respect to ethical conduct, conflict of interest rules and political activity rights, and review the role of the Chair as the Ethics Executive for appointees to the Board, as soon as is practical.
3. Providing each member with notice of any amendments to the relevant legislative provisions respecting their responsibilities under the PSOA as soon as is practical.
4. Providing an annual notice to members containing information about the requirements of Parts IV and V of the PSOA.

B. Code of Conduct

The Board will ensure that members are familiar with the Board’s Code of Conduct by:
1. Upon appointment, providing each member with a membership binder which contains the Board’s Code of Conduct.
2. Reviewing the Code of Conduct with new appointees during their orientation session, as soon as is practical.
3. Notifying each member of any amendments to the Code of Conduct as soon as practical.
4. Providing a copy of the Code of Conduct to members by March 31 of each year.
[1] In this Ethics Plan, the term “member” refers to all appointees to the Board under s. 3 of the Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998, and includes members, vice-chairs and the Chair of the Board.

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