Below are some of the most frequently asked questions the Board receives regarding its processes and function.
- How can I file an appeal, application or complaint?
- Do I Have to Hire a Lawyer?
- I filed an appeal – why haven’t I heard anything?
- When will my hearing be scheduled?
- Where are Hearings Held?
- How do I attend a hearing as an observer?
- When will a decision be issued?
For more detailed information, please refer to the Board “Application Process” section, particularly the “Preparing for your Hearing” and “Rules of Procedure” pages.
If you have further questions regarding the appeal processes, please contact the Board.
How can I file an appeal, application or complaint?
Before an application for a hearing can be considered by the Normal Farm Practices Protection Board, the matter must have gone through the Farm Practices Conflict Resolution Process established by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural Affairs(OMAFRA).
(For further information on the conflict resolution process, please contact the OMAFRA Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300).
To file and application with the Board, you can find the application form on the NFPPB Website and email it to the Board at
Do I Have to Hire a Lawyer?
No. A party may present its case personally or be represented by a lawyer. The decision to hire a lawyer is entirely up to the individual and is usually dependent upon the complexity and value of the matter at issue.
I filed an appeal – why haven’t I heard anything?
The Board sends out a formal Acknowledgement Letter to the parties once a complete appeal or application has been received and accepted by the Board. You should receive this letter within 20 days of receipt of a complete application or appeal.
If you have not heard form the Board, you may reach out to the Coordinator at
When will my hearing be scheduled?
The Board will schedule a Pre-Hearing Conference with the parties to go through various administrative issues prior to a hearing. It is typical that the hearing will be scheduled at said pre-hearing conference, so parties are encouraged to come with their availability over the next several months.
Hearings are scheduled as soon as possible but must take into account the schedules of the parties and panel members, along with timelines for the service and filing of materials in advance of a hearing.
Where are Hearings Held?
Hearings are held electronically via the ZOOM platform. The Board, on motion by a party, may hear an appeal in-person if the party satisfies the Board that there is good reason for doing so.
In-person hearings are held throughout the province. The practice of the Board is that if the appellant resides within a two hour drive of the Board office in Guelph, the hearing is held in Guelph. Every effort is made to have the hearing in a location convenient to all parties.
How do I attend a hearing as an observer?
Hearings are currently held electronically via the ZOOM platform. Please reach out to the Board Secretary at with the details of the hearing you would like to observe, and they will send you the Zoom invitation.
When will a decision be issued?
Following completion of a hearing, the Board endeavors to release its written decision, with reasons, to the parties according to the following schedule:
- Hearings lasting less than five days: decision released within 60 calendar days
- Hearings lasting five to 20 days: decision released within 90 calendar days
- Hearings lasting more than 20 days: decision released within 120 calendar days
These timeline goals are set based on the volume of evidence presented during a 5-day hearing versus a 20-day or lengthier hearing.